On the Breath of God – Pentecost – June 5, 2022

Our next Sunday service for the West Tokyo Union Church community will be held in person at our traditional meeting place on the campus of the Lutheran Seminary in Mitaka. It will also be broadcast remotely via our regular Zoom connection. We welcome all to join us one way or another. We often wear red on Pentecost Sunday as a reminder of the fire and the Holy Spirit that descended to inspire and bless those early Christians. Thank you to Dr. Jim Sack, who will be preaching the message for this Pentecost service.

The assigned texts being used are Romans 8:14-17 and Acts 2:1-21.

The sermon
title is “On the Breath of God.”

Hymns are “Breath on Me, Breath of God” #420 all 4 verses
“There’s a Spirit in the Air” #192 verses 1,2,6
“Take My Life, and Let It Be” #399 verses 1-3

Please come join us in person and remotely to worship together. The children’s sermon has been pre-recorded with the help of a sheep for ease of incorporation into this Sunday’s service format. Thank you to Kazuko who will be playing the organ and to the many members who help out with our weekly services.

Welcome to friends and members from around the world who join us as we continue to worship remotely. You may be distant geographically, but you are as close as our hearts and prayers.

Announcement: WTUC member, Ruth Ingulsrud, will be going on a 500 km fundraising bike ride June 9 – 12 raising money for educational programs for orphans in Japan. Prayers and donations are much appreciated. Link to the donation site is here: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/kiwl-2022-events/ Please mention “JOEE” in the link labeled “In Honor.” The link to Ruth’s Joyful Opportunity English Education website is here: https://joee.jp

We are very thankful that our little community church can keep on going even in the midst of difficulties. Many friends keep contributing to our worship services and to our parishioner connections. We appreciate everyone’s prayers, financial support and weekly acts of service as we help each other in doing the work of the Kingdom.

Offering Link: Please note that the link for sending in your gifts and tithes has been changed to https://wtuc.net/offering/ and now has recurring offering and fee recovery options.

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