Join us as we reflect on and celebrate the Good News of Christmas.
On Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve), we held a Lessons and Carols service online beginning at 6:00 p.m. (Japan time). We read through Scripture and listened to (and sang along to) various Christmas carols that helped us reflect upon this special night.
On Wednesday, December 25 (Christmas Day), we held our Christmas Morning Worship service online beginning at 9:00 a.m. (Japan time). We had a chance to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and heard a special Good News for Kids presented by Ruth Inguslrud and her friends.
View all of our Christmas services with the links below.
Christmas Pageant
Although it is still Advent, a time of waiting, our loving God does not wait to offer us unconditional love and a lifetime of Christmas joy. We celebrate that joy today.
Our service is gathered around a Christmas poem written by Madeleine L’Engle. It is entitled, “First Coming”. Listen for the pieces of this poem as it is woven throughout the story.
Blue Christmas Service
In the midst of the bright lights and hurried excitement, there are many who are less than joyful and are not at peace during this Christmas season. For those who are feeling this way, you’re not alone. It’s okay to not feel okay. If you are seeking a way to contemplate hope in the midst of difficulty, please view this Blue Christmas service held by our sister congregation Tokyo Union Church. It is done in the style of Taize, and it gives us time to slow down, to reflect, and to ponder upon what hope, peace, joy, and love mean in Christ when we might not feel hopeful, not at peace, not joyful, and not loved. You matter to God.
Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols
Lessons and Carols is a Christmas Eve traditional service, popularly associated with King's College, Cambridge, England, where it was first held in 1918. Using a series of Scripture readings (called lessons) and carols, the service tells a story of God’s work of redemption. Our WTUC service consists of readings from the Old and New Testament, and the carols are led by members of our sister congregation, Tokyo Union Church. You are welcome to prepare a candle or electronic light as we will be having a candlelighting hymn at the end of the service.
Christmas Morning Worship
Our WTUC Christmas morning worship is a celebration of Christ’s birth. The liturgy follows a similar order to the Sunday morning worship service. Join us as we sing a few carols and hear a homily from Pastor Jonathan Oh.