A moment for your thoughts

Dear WTUC Family,

I hope that you are doing well this week. It was so good to see you on Sunday, and I look forward to worshipping with you again soon. As we continue in this new year, I would like to take a moment to ask you for your thoughts. Over the past few months, we’ve been sending this new format for the Letter to the Congregation where I share some thoughts as well as provide you with links to our past services as well as information for the upcoming Sunday service. The question is - how can we make it better? I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to stop by the Pastor page and send me a message. Your thoughts will be helpful as we try better ways to connect with you throughout the week.

This coming Sunday, we have an online service via Zoom at 11:00 a.m., and our guest preacher is Rev. Timothy Appau (known as Rev. Timo) from the Asian Rural Institute. He has been serving as a missionary and as a chaplain of community life since June 2008. WTUC has been a long-time supporter of the Asian Rural Institute and are thankful for their partnership and work. Please come join us for worship. For more information on the service, please visit the Calendar page.

I can’t believe that we’re already approaching the last Sunday in January. I pray that you will find this month to be a fruitful one in Christ. In all things, let us honor God and love our neighbors because we have been loved first. I hope that you have a blessed weekend!



Neither rain nor snow…


The Word is the Word