Almost here!

Dear WTUC Family,

We are coming up on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, which means Christmas is just around the corner! I hope that you are doing well and that you are finding hope, peace, joy, and love during this season. This coming Sunday, Rev. Dr. Jim Sack will be preaching during our online worship service beginning at 11:00 a.m. I hope that you can join the service! In addition, I hope that you have plans to join us during Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning as we will have special online services both days. You can learn about these services and more by checking out our special WTUC Christmas page.

As we get close to Christmas, I hope that you’re able to slow down a bit. I personally know how dizzying the pace can become as the end of the calendar year approaches and travel or gathering plans get underway. Yet we can rest in the fact that we can find peace in the Prince of Peace - Jesus Christ. I hope that this is something you can reflect on over the coming days.

I look forward to seeing you and worshipping with you in the coming days. Please stay warm and safe wherever you are, and I’ll see you soon.



Merry Christmas!


You matter