What a Celebration!
Dear WTUC Family,
I hope that you had a wonderful week. What a celebration we had this past Sunday! We are so thankful that so many were able to worship and celebrate Thanksgiving together. It was truly a joy to be with each other. A special thanks to Ann Tang for coordinating the potluck and making sure that everything was ready, and thanks to all who brought food, drink, and friends! I hope that this will be just one step in our continued outreach and growth, connecting with our neighbors and inviting them into our community.
Coming up this Sunday, we’re going to be gathering online (for the first time in a few weeks!), and Rev. Dr. Jim Sack will be appropriately preaching “Long Live the King” for Christ the King Sunday! We will be connecting via Zoom beginning at 11:00 a.m., and so please come join us! If you would like to get a preview of the service, including the bulletin, hymns, and the sermon manuscript (English and Japanese), please check out the calendar event here.
We’ve got quite a bit of events coming up for Advent and Christmas! Please make sure to take note of what’s ahead:
December 1: In-Person Service, Beginning of Advent
December 8: In-Person Service, Christmas Pageant
December 15: Online Service via Zoom, Christmas Caroling at Nozomi no Ie
December 22: Online Service via Zoom
December 24: Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols Online Service via YouTube
December 25: Christmas Day Online Service via YouTube
Check the Calendar Page for details and links!
On a separate note, West Tokyo Union Church has sponsored the Women’s Conference for many years, and early signups are taking place right now through the end of the year. It will take place during the weekend of February 28, 2025 in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture. The theme for this year is “Life’s River Rocks”, with the keynote speaker being Sara Holbrook, a noted educator, poet, and speaker. Check out the WoCon website to register and to learn more!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, and as a reminder, if you ever need prayer, please do not hesitate to contact us through the Prayer Page. We want to keep you in our prayers. Stay warm, and stay safe in Christ.