Bring a Friend!
Dear WTUC Family,
I hope that you have had a good week. Thank you for taking the time to read through this letter. I hope that it is both helpful and encouraging to see what is happening in the life of our community. I am excited for our annual Thanksgiving gathering this coming Sunday. I hope that you are looking forward to this service and fellowship. Please make sure to bring a friend with you as well! We want this to be a great opportunity to reach out to our neighbors and have them join in for our service and celebration.
I invite you to join us in person for our Sunday service on the campus of Japan Lutheran College and Theological Seminary at 11:00 a.m. We will be looking at a glimpse of Hannah’s life, who was the mother of the prophet Samuel. As we read about both her suffering and her prayers, we will be looking at a life that went from emptiness to abundance. I hope that this message will be encouraging to you.
If you haven’t registered on our signup page regarding the Thanksgiving potluck, please make sure to check it out here. The more the merrier!
We have some upcoming events that can use your help!
One of our outreach partners, JOEE, is looking for volunteers to help out with some Christmas events in December. We need folks who can help coordinate and lead these events. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Director of JOEE, Ruth Ingulsrud. You can email her at
We are putting final preps on our Christmas pageant scheduled for Sunday, December 8. However, we would love for more volunteers to help out with the service! Please send an email to if you are able to help out and volunteer!
We are going to be recording our Scripture readings for our Online Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols service in a couple of weeks. If you have not yet signed up for one of the readings but would like to read a passage for the service, please contact me at so that I can schedule you in.
On a side note, I have personally been going through a little bit of a reading and listening journey in the field of philosophy, particularly when it comes to the theories of both theology and politics. As I reach back to some of my older studies as well as looking into some newer topics that I haven’t covered as much in the past, what I continue to notice is how God is at work in our world. Yes, at times, it might seem that the world is a dark place, and it can be given how it is fallen and broken. Yet at the same time, our Christ is King! As we listen and study God’s Word, seek the welfare of our community and neighbors, and seek to honor our Savior, may we hold fast to the hope in which we have been called.
I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday! Have a blessed rest of the week in Christ.
Grace and peace,