Free to be Unveiled
Delivered by Rev. Jonathan Oh on Sunday, March 2, 2025.
Exodus 34:29–35 (NRSV)
The Shining Face of Moses
29 Moses came down from Mount Sinai. As he came down from the mountain with the two tablets of the covenant in his hand, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. 30 When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, the skin of his face was shining, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them; and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned to him, and Moses spoke with them. 32 Afterward all the Israelites came near, and he gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him on Mount Sinai. 33 When Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a veil on his face; 34 but whenever Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he would take the veil off, until he came out; and when he came out, and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, 35 the Israelites would see the face of Moses, that the skin of his face was shining; and Moses would put the veil on his face again, until he went in to speak with him.
2 Corinthians 3:12–4:2 (NRSV)
12 Since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness, 13 not like Moses, who put a veil over his face to keep the people of Israel from gazing at the end of the glory that was being set aside. 14 But their minds were hardened. Indeed, to this very day, when they hear the reading of the old covenant, that same veil is still there, since only in Christ is it set aside. 15 Indeed, to this very day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their minds; 16 but when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.
4:1 Therefore, since it is by God’s mercy that we are engaged in this ministry, we do not lose heart. 2 We have renounced the shameful things that one hides; we refuse to practice cunning or to falsify God’s word; but by the open statement of the truth we commend ourselves to the conscience of everyone in the sight of God.
Sermon Text:
Question: How open are you as a person? Are you guarded? Or are you open? Do you wear your emotions on your sleeves? Or do you just put up a good face? If we were to take a look at your life like a fly on a wall and compare it to what you tell others, how different would it look? There is no one here who shares everything about our own lives. There are going to be differences to varying degrees on what we say or share. Why do we do this? How often do we cover ourselves up so that people don’t look at us weirdly or in a different way?
Context of First Passage: When we look at our first Scripture passage, we see something unusual happening with Moses, the leader God chose to guide the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt. After spending a bit of time with God, he has a shining face. I can’t exactly imagine what this would look like, whether light was shining out of his eyes and ears or if his skin just had that awesome glow that you would get after a nice tan. But no matter how it looked, the people were a little creeped out, and so Moses chose to wear a veil. When in God’s presence, he took it off, but when in front of the people, he put it on. And so Moses had to live his life in a particular way - with a veil.
There are a few things to consider about those who are involved in the passage:
First, the People: How did they see Moses? Were they seeing him as a creepy human or maybe higher than a normal human being? How and why were they scared? Did it help them respect God more, or were they just being distracted the whole time?
Next, Moses: How did Moses see himself? Did he find this whole situation fascinating, or was it actually weird and shameful because the people would look at him ever since he had that glowy face? How did this impact the way he interacted with God, and what did his actions mean - the fact that he would wear a veil and choose to do so but then would take it off before God?
And then, God: God was establishing a relationship with the people of Israel, and the Lord calls them as His chosen people, speaking through Moses. And God doesn’t mistakenly make Moses’ face glow. God either permits or chooses to let this happen, but why? We really don’t know.
Connection to Us: But as we look at these various factors, we have to consider how this is connected to us and why it was important for this passage to exist here. When we see the various implications of how Moses acted, how the people reacted, and God choosing to do what He did, we should ask ourselves questions about our desire to hide who we are, maybe be open to God, but closed to others. Who do you identify with here… are you like the people, who tend to find being around certain other people uncomfortable and hope that they might “fix” it? Or are you more like Moses? Why is it that we sometimes act like Moses, trying to cover up who we are when we are with other people? Or is it that we’re actually… both?
Reason: Maybe it’s from painful past experiences. We’ve been hurt by other people, and so we don’t want to be open about who we are because we might just get hurt again. Maybe it’s because we just don’t feel like sharing. We like to be private, to live our own lives, and don’t want to hear from other people if they have something (possibly critical) to say about what we are doing. Or maybe we’re scared of what people might say. Maybe we’re ashamed. Could it be that we’re insecure, that we fundamentally feel that our flaws prevent us from being truthful about who we are?
There are two ways to look at this:
The people wanted what was comfortable for them, and so they didn’t want to see Moses differently. Therefore, they wanted him to wear something so that they wouldn’t be distracted (of course, Scripture doesn’t explicitly say this, but we do see that they were scared of Moses).
Or Moses didn’t want to be seen differently, and so he did what he did to make it less obvious. He wanted to be with the people - we see his actions during his time in Egypt when living in the Pharaoh’s house. So it might be that he wanted to cover himself so that he could just be with the people, avoiding the distractions that came from his shining face.
Veils: But the truth is that our fundamental desire as fallen creatures is to cover ourselves up - to hide who we are. When humans fell in Genesis 3, they wanted to cover themselves up. Adam and Eve were naked, but after they sinned, they knew that they were naked, and immediately, they wanted to cover themselves up. That’s who we are as broken people - we want to hide, we want to cover, and we want to prevent others from seeing us with all of our flaws.
Turning Point: But when we look at our second Scripture passage, we hear about God’s work to bring us out of shame and into freedom. While the people of Israel wanted to stick with what they knew - the old covenant that they received at Mount Sinai, Christ brings us something better.
Gospel: Christ is the One who has loved us so much that He has taken away every reason for us to be ashamed. Our flaws, our sinful desires, our insecurities are all cleared away. Jesus was crucified with great shame - not of His own shame but because of our shame - and in the process has taken away that shame. We are free to be who we were made to be - children of God in Christ Jesus. When we turn to Jesus, we have hope, and we can be bold, because Christ took away our veil and our need to hide (2 Corinthians 3:12).
Therefore, Christ is with us in our freedom, and we are no longer covered or veiled. When we are saved by faith in Christ, we see Christ in us, the hope of glory (Colossians 1). We are transformed each day because of Christ. It is as if we see Christ in us as we look in the mirror - well, not literally, but we should and will see Christ in what we say, in what we do, in how we love - when we are transformed in Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.
So what do we do when we hear this Good News?
First, by God’s mercy, we are to take heart, to find full confidence in Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:1) When life tries to bring you to a point where you find yourself in a situation of doubt and insecurity, we turn to Christ, and we remind ourselves that we are no longer creatures who fear because of our past. Christ has cleansed us and made us whole, and we can be free in that truth.
Second, we are to repent and renounce the shameful things that we desire to hide. We live in open truth and accountability with each other. (v. 2) It is important to know that Christ welcomes us with open arms. We are to come to Christ as we are, but we are not to stay as we are. We are to identify areas within ourselves that do not reflect Christ. Do we fail to love as Christ loved? Do we fail to act as Christ would have us act? Do we live in shame and fear rather than freedom and hope? We need to let these things that hinder us go and turn to Christ.
Question: For those who have not yet come to follow Christ, are you tired of feeling ashamed, of having to hide who you truly are? Christ took on your shame so that you no longer have to be ashamed. As the late preacher Tim Keller used to quote so often: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope. You are welcomed here because Christ welcomes you here. If you would like to know more about what it means to follow Christ, please feel free to ask us. We want you to let go of what hinders you and embrace bold hope and freedom in Christ. For those who follow Christ and yet feel you need to hold onto your veil, Christ desires to shine through your life. Repent of what is holding you back, and find true peace in the one who gives you freedom.
Conclusion: The Good News of today’s passages is that we can let go of our insecurities and fears because Christ has clothed us with His love. We no longer need to hide or cover who we are. We can be in this incredible community of other believers who, just like you and just like me, we are made whole because of Jesus. Therefore, let us live in freedom, for in Christ, we are free to be unveiled. Amen.
質問: あなたはどれくらい自分をオープンにしていますか?ガードが固いですか?それとも、誰にでも心を開けますか?感情をすぐに表に出しますか?それとも、ただうまく取り繕っているだけですか?
最初の聖書の箇所について: 最初の聖書の箇所を見ると、少し変わったことがモーセに起こっているのが分かります。モーセは、神がエジプトから奴隷であったイスラエルの人々を導くために選んだリーダーです。彼は神と時間を過ごした後、顔が光っていました。それがどんなふうに見えたのかは正確には分かりません。目や耳から光が出ていたのか、それとも日焼けした後のように肌が輝いていたのか……。しかし、どのように光っていたにせよ、人々は少し怖がりました。そのため、モーセはヴェール(覆い)をつけることにしました。神の前ではヴェールを外しましたが、人々の前ではつけました。こうして、モーセは特別な方法で生きなければならなかったのです——ヴェールをつけて。
① イスラエルの人々
② モーセ
③ 神様様
それとも…… 私たちはモーセでもあり、人々でもあるのでしょうか?
理由: もしかすると、それは過去の痛みから来ているのかもしれません。私たちは人に傷つけられた経験があり、また傷つくことが怖くて、自分をさらけ出すのが嫌なのかもしれません。あるいは、単純に話したくないだけかもしれません。私たちはプライベートを大切にし、自分の人生を自分で生きたいと思っており、他人に何か(特に批判的なこと)を言われるのを避けたいのかもしれません。または、人が自分のことをどう思うかが怖いのかもしれません。もしかしたら、私たちは恥ずかしいと感じているのでしょうか?あるいは、自分に自信がなく、自分の欠点のせいで本当の自分を見せられないと思っているのかもしれません。
これには二つの見方があります。 一つ目は、イスラエルの人々の視点です。彼らは、自分たちが安心できる状態を求めていました。そのため、モーセが違って見えることを避けたかったのかもしれません。だからこそ、モーセにヴェールをつけてもらい、気が散らないようにしたのかもしれません。(もちろん、聖書にはそう書かれてはいませんが、モーセを怖がっていたことは確かです。)
ヴェールについて: しかし、真実はこうです。堕落した人間の本質的な欲求は、自分を隠すことです。創世記3章でアダムとエバが罪を犯したとき、彼らはすぐに自分たちを隠そうとしました。彼らはそれまで裸でいることを気にしていませんでしたが、罪を犯した後、自分が裸であることを知り、覆いを求めました。これが、壊れた人間の姿です。私たちは隠れたがる、覆いたがる、そして他の人に自分の欠点を見られたくないのです。
転換点: しかし、聖書の次の箇所を見ると、神が私たちを恥から解放し、自由へと導こうとしていることがわかります。イスラエルの民は、シナイ山で与えられた「古い契約」にしがみつこうとしていました。しかし、キリストはそれよりもはるかに良いものを私たちにもたらします。
福音: キリストは、私たちが恥を感じるすべての理由を取り除いてくださるお方です。私たちの欠点、罪深い欲望、不安――それらすべてが、キリストによって清められました。イエスは、私たちの恥のために十字架につけられました。彼自身の恥ではなく、私たちの恥を背負われたのです。そして、その過程で私たちを解放してくださいました。
だからこそ、私たちはキリストにある自由の中を歩むのです。 信仰によってキリストに救われるとき、私たちは「キリストが私たちの内におられる」ことを知ります。それは、私たちの栄光の希望です。(コロサイ1章)
① まず、神のあわれみによって、心を強くし、キリストに対する確信を持つことです。(2コリント4:1)
② 次に、悔い改め、私たちが隠そうとしていた恥ずべきものを捨てることです。
質問: まだキリストに従っていない人へ。
結論: 今日の聖書のメッセージの良い知らせは、私たちが不安や恐れを手放せることです。なぜなら、キリストがご自身の愛で私たちを包んでくださったからです。