Struggling With Doubts

Delivered by Rev. Dr. Tim Boyle on Sunday, January 12, 2025.



Proverbs 14:14-15 (NRSV):

14 The perverse get what their ways deserve,
and the good, what their deeds deserve.
15 The simple believe everything,
but the clever consider their steps.

Matthew 11:2-19 (NRSV):

Messengers from John the Baptist (Lk 7:18–23)

2 When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent word by his disciples 3 and said to him, “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” 4 Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: 5 the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. 6 And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.”

Jesus Praises John the Baptist (Lk 7:24–35)

7 As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed shaken by the wind? 8 What then did you go out to see? Someone dressed in soft robes? Look, those who wear soft robes are in royal palaces. 9 What then did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. 10 This is the one about whom it is written,

‘See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way before you.’

11 Truly I tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12 From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John came; 14 and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15 Let anyone with ears listen!

16 “But to what will I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to one another,

17 ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance;
we wailed, and you did not mourn.’

18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon’; 19 the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.”

Sermon Text:

Last month, we looked at the message God has for us from the life of Joseph and that “other miracle of Christmas” — namely, how God worked in Joseph’s life to help him accept the miracle of Jesus and his supernatural conception. Today, I’d like to continue in that same vein, except that instead of looking at “The Gospel According to the Life of” a particular biblical character, I want us to think about how God worked in the lives of several other figures in the New Testament and helped them deal with several different kinds of doubts.

At one time or another, having doubts about certain aspects of the Christian faith or the Bible is something all of us have experienced. Anyone who claims not to, in my opinion, is either not being honest or just doesn’t live in the real world. Perhaps some of you even now are struggling with serious doubts and don't quite know what to do with them. Doubts are ever knocking at the doors of our minds, and it's not an uncommon thing for persons who were raised in traditional Christian homes to get the message that it is somehow off limits to entertain doubts and that faith in religious and spiritual matters is something you must just blindly accept. That is always true in cults, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, where expressing any kind of doubt in the teachings that come from above, that is from "God's true organization" (as they claim), is severely repressed. But even in Christian homes, that kind of message sometimes comes through in much more subtle ways. Thus, when doubts do crowd into one's mind (as they surely will do), unless they are dealt with properly, it sometimes seems logical to just discard the whole thing and go into unbelief.

Well, what should we do with doubts? As we think about this a bit, I want to begin by looking at a very interesting Japanese word, 危機 (kiki), a word that means "crisis." It is made up of two characters, one of which means "danger" and the other of which means "opportunity." That is what any crisis — including a crisis of faith — is. There is danger there to be sure, but there is also an opportunity for new growth. To look at a crisis of any kind in only a negative way is to focus on the "danger" part of that word. But when we look at things in a positive light, we can see the "opportunity" in a crisis.

Doubts — that is, crises of faith — can play a very important role along the road to a living and vibrant faith. As I mentioned in last month’s message, there is a saying: "He who has never deeply doubted has also never deeply believed." The danger of doubt is that it can lead to a hardened, cynical unbelief if not dealt with properly. But it can also be a great opportunity for growth when doubts are worked through and resolved.

Needless to say, there are many kinds of doubts that we experience, and one point I want to stress is that there is nothing new about that, for we see those very same doubts in the lives of biblical characters. We obviously can't deal with them all in depth in one message, but I think it would be useful to look at the examples of several biblical characters in order to get a brief overview of the kinds of doubt we also see at work in the world today.

It's really comforting to see that all the great characters of the Bible had episodes of doubt in their lives. They were human just like us. So, let's take a look at several important examples of doubt in the New Testament. We won't be able to take time to carefully read through each account, so I'll just give the reference and a brief summary. In our Scripture reading, we have described the great onslaught of doubt that came upon one of the great men of faith in the Bible — John the Baptist. This fearless prophet, who had paved the way for Jesus' coming, and in baptizing Jesus, had witnessed to the fact that this man was the long-expected Messiah, the Holy One of God, was now in prison. He was discouraged and lonely, and so he wasn’t so sure anymore, since things didn't seem to be turning out as he had expected. So, he sent messengers to ask Jesus, "Are you really the one? Or should we expect someone else?"

When Jesus heard about John's doubts, what did he do? Was he disappointed in John? Did he berate him for his lack of faith? No, there is not a word of condemnation from Jesus. After giving John's disciples assurances that he was indeed the Messiah, he turned to the crowd and praised John saying that he was the greatest of all the prophets. In fact, he said that John was the greatest man who had ever lived! How's that for a compliment!

When doubts arose in John's mind, he sought assurance, and Jesus gave that to him adding, "Happy are those who have no doubts about me." Now, I don't think that from this story we are to draw the conclusion that we are to be proud of our doubts or that it is better to doubt than not, for clearly Jesus said, "Happy are those who have no doubts about me." But he certainly didn't condemn anyone for having doubts either.

Now let's turn to a different example with far different results — one that illustrates the danger of doubt. It's found in Mark 6:1-6 and is the story of when Jesus came to preach in his hometown of Nazareth for the first time. He amazed people with his words and shocked them right out of their seats. Because Jesus was so wise without much formal education, and because he was so spiritually powerful without seeming to be extraordinary in his appearance, and mainly just because he was one of them, they took offense at his seeming presumptuousness, and so, they rejected him. Their doubts became unbelief, and the story ends with the words, "Jesus marveled at their unbelief."

Thus, the only person who gives this out-of-the-way town any notoriety at all, Jesus of Nazareth, was rejected by his own people. Why? What was it that caused their doubts? Perhaps it's a similar dynamic to that which occurs with many people in today's world — namely, that of jumping to conclusions on partial information. As they looked at Jesus reading the scroll of Isaiah, they were saying amongst themselves, "We know this guy. We know all about his family and his questionable origin." And knowing some facts about his origin, they closed the shutters of their minds and didn't consider his claims objectively. Their doubts about him were different than what we usually think of doubt — that is, finding it hard to believe in something we can't see. With them, it was refusing to believe in something that they could see.

If we use our imaginations a bit, we can imagine some of the comments that might have been going on. After all, they were ordinary folk just like you and me. So, if we identify with them as we read the story, we can see ourselves in them too. One old man whose eyes aren't very good anymore whispers to the fellow next to him saying, "Who’s that?" "That's Joe's oldest boy." "Joe? Joe who?" "You know, the Joe who used to have a carpenter shop down on Main Street who died a few years back." "Oh, you mean the widow Mary's kid, the one born without a proper wedding haven taken place." "Yeh, that's the one."

Then there was the scribe of the local synagogue, who had his degree from U.I.J. (that's University of Israel at Jerusalem). He was proud that he was the most educated person in peasant Nazareth, and he delighted in showing off his superior qualifications. Snootily he whispers, "As I recall, Jesus didn't get very far with his education, did he." Another fellow comments about remembering playing with Jesus as a child saying, "I always did think he was kind of weird." And so, we can imagine other such comments continuing concerning his origins. Now, what they said were all true facts, even if out of proper context. But they made this fatal mistake by basing their doubts on this error: namely, that if you can explain something, that means you can explain it away. It's a common principle at work that causes many of our modern doubts to arise as well.

Let's look at the example of a young Christian whose been raised in sort of a greenhouse environment who goes off to college and is exposed to concepts that seem to undermine his or her faith. One young lady who had read a book on the psychology of religion began to have doubts about her faith because it seemed to be explaining away her conversion experience. It was "all psychological auto suggestion" — sort of a self-hypnosis. The laws of the mind being described in the book may have all been true, at least in their proper context, but that doesn't explain away our spiritual experiences. God, who made the mind, operates under the laws of the mind he made, and thus a conversion experience can be analyzed and described in psychological terms. But to explain it is not to explain it away. No book could bring about the change in her as Jesus Christ had done.

It was this same principle that was at work in Nazareth. To explain a process is not to be able to explain away a miracle that is behind it. Thus, our conclusion is that some of the doubts that arise in our lives come about not because we think too much, but because we think too little. We jump to conclusions based on some of the facts, while leaving out the chief fact of all, God himself.

Another example of doubt that is very relevant to where many people are today is found in Mark 9:14-24, the story of the man whose son was possessed by a demon and who was constantly being thrown into severe epileptic fits that threatened his life. It so happened that Jesus was up on a mountain with 3 of his disciples for a retreat when the man came. He came with great expectations, for he had heard that Jesus and his disciples had healed many people and had driven out many demons. But in spite of their best efforts, the other 9 disciples could do nothing. Later, when Jesus finally did come back down to where they were, they brought the boy to him. But already the damage had been done, and the man had a hard time believing. He cried out, "Lord, I'm trying to believe! Help my unbelief!"

Why was he finding it so hard to believe? Because he had experienced the failure of Jesus' disciples, and therefore, he was no longer so sure of Jesus himself. Some of us participating in this online service, as well as many of our friends and acquaintances who are not with us this morning, have found ourselves in this same position. We have a hard time believing because of the failures of some people who claimed to be Christians. Often, people are disappointed by the examples they see of self-professed Christians, and they apply these doubts to Christ himself. This points to a very important principle, namely, that there is a great deal of emotion involved in our faith. It's not just pure reasoning on our part. As with this man, a previous disillusionment has kind of left a bad aftertaste, and that sets up an emotional response. Much of our being is affected by conditional reflexes, just like the dogs in Pavlov's famous experiment, where he would ring a bell and feed the dogs several times in succession, and then whenever he rang the bell, the dogs would salivate expecting a meal.

The way we view things is deeply affected by emotional responses to things we've previously experienced. And many of the doubts we and those around us have are related to this principle. With respect to our faith or lack thereof, where is it that these emotional responses are established most often? The two most basic ones are in the home and in the church. In your home, while you were growing up, you may have had stern, unloving parents, and that is going to make it more difficult to relate to God the Heavenly Father because of that emotional response. Or you may have had parents that were superficially religious, but whose words and deeds didn't match; or a whole host of other factors that have set up emotional responses that turn you off from being able to objectively consider the claims of Christ.

Likewise in the church, the preacher may have given great sermons, but then he ran off with someone else's wife. Or it might have been some lay person in the church who disillusioned you through gossip and unfair criticism or whatever. All of these and many more can lead to doubts arising, so that when an appeal is made or the gospel is preached, an emotionally conditioned response is set up that puts up a roadblock. Subconsciously, the feeling is, "I've been burned once, and I don't want to be burned again." And this makes it very hard to believe.

The tragedy of this kind of doubt is that it makes people think they are rejecting Christ, but they're not really. What they are rejecting is a misrepresentation of Christ and what it means to be a Christian. Sometimes, when someone says they don't believe in God, I ask them to describe the God they don't believe in. And if their description is the typical "cosmic killjoy" type of God, I can say to them, "I'm glad you don't believe in that kind of a God. I wouldn't want to believe in that kind of God either." This, then, opens the door to describe the kind of God I do believe in.

I’m reminded of the results of a poll of the members of the Skeptics Society that was printed in their magazine many years ago. It turned out that almost all their members had been raised in fundamentalist Christian homes. That says something, doesn’t it! Their atheism was fueled by an emotional reaction to their upbringing and was in effect a psychological excuse for their rejection of their upbringing.

Likewise, there may be certain parts of the Christian message that turn one off because of some prior association with a bad experience. Really, we all need to look at our own lives deeply and see if there aren't some emotional responses that are present that really have little to do with the various reasons we've come up with for our doubts and questions.

Now, I want us to turn to another story which is found in John 18:33-39, the account of Jesus standing before Pilate. Pilate was faced with a great moral decision — whether to free Jesus or Barabbas. He was under a great deal of pressure. He knew what was right, since three times he said there was no reason to condemn Jesus. He knew Jesus was innocent of the charges. So, what did he do when faced with this great moral decision? He tried to start a philosophical discussion. "What is truth?" he said. And reading between the lines, it's obvious he was thinking, "Everything is relative, isn't it? How can I know what is right or wrong in this situation? After all, what truth is to you and what truth is to me may be different." Now, what was he doing? He was philosophizing in order to cover up his moral cowardice and his fear of making a decision against pressure. This same kind of subconscious defense mechanism is the basis of a lot of doubts people face today. Often times, people avoid having to make a decision by rationalizing that they don't really understand it all or whatever. Their doubts, then, arise to protect them, or so they think, from having to commit themselves to what they know is right.

Now, it certainly is true that not all our doubts are of this type. There are many honest doubts. But there are also a lot of dishonest doubts as well — doubts that are being used to rationalize behavior we know isn't right. That's what was going on with Pilate. "What is truth?" he says — not because he was really seeking truth, but to cover up his moral cowardice. For some people, saying "I can't believe" is really saying "I don't want to believe, because down deep inside, I realize that the cost is higher than I'm willing to pay. I know I would have to change my lifestyle in order to commit myself to Christ."

Finally, I want us to look at two incidents where doubts are turned into faith to see what they are saying to us. First, there is the story of "Doubting Thomas," who couldn’t accept the testimony of the other disciples who had seen the risen Christ. Before we're too hard on Thomas for his refusal to believe, let's look at the good side of his doubting. For one thing, he refused to say be believed something when he really didn't. He had real integrity. It would have been easy for him to give in to peer pressure, but he didn't. God never discourages honest doubts, and we too need to maintain our integrity. Otherwise, it is really only a form of hypocrisy — to say you believe when you really don't, and Thomas had the integrity not to do that. We too need to be honest — honest enough to face our doubts; honest enough to get all the facts; honest enough to realize the role emotions play in our beliefs. We need to make sure we're looking at the real Jesus and not some misrepresentation of him as so often happens.

This brings us to the second positive aspect of Thomas and his doubts. He went straight to the source. He wouldn't settle for anything second hand. He had to see it for himself. And finally, when Thomas was convinced, he didn't let the false pride of a former position keep him from committing himself to what he then knew to be true. The moment he was sure, he fell to his knees saying, "My Lord and My God."

Let's close with one final incident. It's probably the most beautiful of them all and is found in Luke 24:41. It’s also right after the resurrection, after Jesus had appeared to the two disciples going to Emmaus. They had gone back to Jerusalem to tell some of the other followers of Jesus, and suddenly Jesus was there among them. I like the way the New English Bible translates it. "They were still unconvinced, still wondering, for it seemed too good to be true." Anybody here with that as the source of your doubts? That it just all seems too good to be true? That God could really love me and accept me just as I am? That this me with all my problems and failures and weaknesses is who God accepts and forgives and wants to make his child?

You say, "But I just don't deserve it!" Of course you don't! Otherwise, it wouldn't be grace. "But I'm not worthy!" No, none of us are. This is the only fellowship or club in all the world where the fact that you're not worthy and the fact that you're not fit to be a member is what makes you eligible for membership in the first place! That is what the grace of God is all about. It's not something you can earn or that you deserve because you’re good enough. At first, the disciples couldn't believe "because it seemed too good to be true." But that kind of doubt soon turned into a faith that led them into lives of purpose, peace and joy.

There are many other examples we could look at in the Scriptures, but time doesn't allow that today. As we face our own battles with doubts, however, we are encouraged by the examples of men and women in the Bible and their experiences of doubt along with their victories of faith over those doubts. Let us close with a brief prayer asking God to help us deal with our own doubts in constructive ways — ways that lead to psychological and spiritual wholeness; ways that look for the opportunities in the crisis or "kiki" of doubt instead of falling into the dangers.

Let us pray: Our Father, we bring to you all our various doubts and questions. We ask you to help us sort them all out, and whatever the cause of those doubts — whether they be from some emotional response or from misinformation or doubts that we just conjured up to rationalize our behavior, we turn them over to you and ask you to help us turn them into faith. For it’s in Christ's name we pray. Amen.









イエスはヨハネの疑問を聞いて、どうされたでしょうか?ヨハネに失望されたでしょうか?信仰の欠如を叱責されたでしょうか?いいえ、イエスはヨハネに対して一言も非難されませんでした。ヨハネの弟子たちに、イエスが確かにメシアであることを保証した後、イエスは群衆に向かってヨハネを称賛し、彼がすべての預言者の中で最も偉大であると語られました。実際、イエスはヨハネがこれまで生きた中で最も偉大な人間であるとまで言われました! なんという賛辞でしょう。




























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