The Gospel According to the Life of Joseph

Delivered by Rev. Dr. Tim Boyle on Sunday, December 29, 2024.



Isaiah 9:6-7 (NRSV)

6 For a child has been born for us,
a son given to us;
authority rests upon his shoulders;
and he is named
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 His authority shall grow continually,
and there shall be endless peace
for the throne of David and his kingdom.
He will establish and uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
from this time onward and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

Matthew 1:18-25 (NRSV)

18 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19 Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. 20 But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” 22 All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet:

23 “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,”
which means, “God is with us.”

24 When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, 25 but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus.

Sermon Text:

Greetings from sunny Florida. As it’s still the Christmas season, however, I want to focus on a Christmas message. When we think of Christmas, the manger scene is one thing that often comes to mind. Over the years, Juji and I have collected manger scenes from around the world, each with their own cultural backgrounds, and as I record this, you can see the display behind me. They all typify that peaceful manger scene we portray every year as the centerpiece of our Christmas celebration. When we look at a Nativity scene, it is naturally the baby Jesus and his mother Mary that are the center of attention. We see the precious little baby lying there so sweetly with Mary looking down on him with that hallowed expression that reminds one of the verse, "She kept all these things, pondering them in her heart." Next, we notice the shepherds who have come in from the fields, and typically there are the 3 wise men with their expensive gifts to offer. And then there are the various animals to add to the scene. But wait, aren't we leaving somebody out? Yes, standing there in the shadows is Joseph, who we could call the forgotten man of Christmas. Who was Joseph, and what kind of person was he? What was the Gospel according to the life of Joseph?

I have been doing a short miniseries on our online WTUC church service describing what we can learn from the lives of some of Jesus’ disciples and how God’s message through Jesus impacted their lives. Last time, we looked at this theme through the eyes of Mary, and so this time, I want us to think about what God’s message is to us through the life of Joseph. I want to look at this Christmas story from the standpoint of Joseph and what it all would have meant to him. For you see, the story of Joseph is really the forgotten miracle of Christmas. So, let’s take a look at how God used Joseph in this special role as the earthly father of the Lord Jesus and what he had to go through to be able to accept this exceptional role he was given.

When you stop to think about it, Joseph was put in a very demanding and difficult situation indeed. When they were married, Mary was already several months pregnant. In our modern, permissive society, that's perhaps not all that uncommon anymore. In fact, a lot of people today wouldn't give it a second thought. But think of what that must have meant in a strict, religious culture like that of ancient Israel. In fact, when we look at the details of Joseph's and Mary's relationship, it seems rather strange — at least from a modern western cultural perspective anyway. According to verse 18, they were engaged to be married. Yet, in the next verse, after he's found out that she is pregnant, it literally says that he planned to divorce her. In verse 24, then, it says that they were later finally married.

In order to understand all of this and its significance in the life of Joseph, we need to know a little about the ancient Jewish customs of marriage. Those of you who have seen "Fiddler on The Roof" or other such movies or plays know that traditional Jewish weddings were arranged by the parents — something that was common in many ancient cultures, including old-time Japan. In ancient Israel, marriage followed along certain set procedures. The first stage was that of the parental agreement stage. Marriage was thought to be much too important a decision to be left to the whims of human passion and the fickleness of human feelings. That’s why it was usually the parents who picked a child's future mate. This was often done even while children were still young and without them even knowing about it.

The next stage in the process was the actual engagement or "betrothal," to use the traditional term. Before an actual betrothal ceremony, a parental agreement could be ended if serious problems existed, but that was evidently not very often. Once an engagement had been finalized, however, it was absolutely binding — just like a marriage — and it could only be ended by the equivalent of a divorce.

It was at the time of the engagement that the major religious ceremony was performed and the financial dealings, such as the payment of dowries, were done. Thus, an engaged couple in those days was, from the legal standpoint, in a marriage-like state that could only be terminated by divorce. Believe it or not, if the man were to die during the engagement period, his wife-to-be would be considered a widow!

It appears that typically this engagement period lasted about one year, and it is in this stage of the marriage process that the Christmas story begins, since Mary and Joseph hadn't reached the final stage yet, the marriage proper. To finish out the details of the traditional Jewish marriage process, the actual marriage centered around a great feast rather than a religious ceremony. It's almost like the modern marriage ceremony and wedding reception being separated by a year or so with the couple not living together in the meantime — if you can imagine that! In finalizing the marriage, then, there was a great procession through the town where the bride was brought to the groom's home, and a feast was given for all those invited. Several of Jesus' parables talk about this custom. After all of this, then, the marriage was consummated in sexual union, and they were husband and wife.

Now, I've gone through all this detail to help you get the full impact of this situation and the agonizing struggle Joseph was faced with. With this background, we can also see what a great miracle it was for Joseph to accept this situation and to be transformed from a confused doubter into a convinced believer. Someone once said, "He who has never profoundly doubted has also never profoundly believed." In other words, if you haven’t worked through your doubts and resolved them, whatever faith you have will only be a surface-level faith. Joseph certainly did doubt profoundly and deeply. Indeed, it's very natural for him to have doubted like that.

We're not told very much about Joseph, but the clues we have do give us a pretty good idea of what his personality was probably like. For one, he was a carpenter — perhaps what we would call a contractor today. He was someone who worked with his hands with material objects in a material world. Most people who are good at that sort of work tend to be rather matter-of-fact people. They're realists and not the philosophical, mystical types. Joseph's world would have consisted mainly of tools, measurements, wood, iron, and stone. He would be used to working with facts and figures. We can thus surmise that he was probably a very practical person who, by his very nature, would tend to be rather skeptical of the mystical and perhaps even of the spiritual world.

Yet, it was this kind of a very practical, realistic carpenter man who, in the history of mankind, was called upon to believe the most shocking and unbelievable story ever told. It's really rather difficult for us to even imagine this scene, considering the kind of permissive society we live in, but imagine, if you will, all of this taking place in a very religious society that puts an absolute premium on premarital virginity and purity. Here's how I've tried to piece it together: Sometime after Mary and Joseph were formally engaged, Mary had this encounter with the angel from God who told her of her special role to be the mother of the Messiah. We can surmise, however, that she was not able to tell Joseph or even her own parents of that encounter, and as she needed time to process all of this, she decided to visit her relative Elizabeth, the future mother of John the Baptist, in the hill country of Judea for three months. The angel had told Mary that her relative Elizabeth was also miraculously pregnant, and so she decided to take this most unusual step and make this long journey. We can assume that Joseph missed her and longed to see her again and to share with her his great plans for their new life together. Perhaps he'd been working extra hard — even "moonlighting" a bit to save up some extra money. No doubt, being a carpenter, he had made some nice things for their new home.

But what happened after this long separation when Mary finally returned? She literally dropped a bombshell on him by telling him that she was expecting a baby! Now, try to put yourself in Joseph's shoes. His whole world seemed to be falling apart. Mary, his beloved, whose reputation in Nazareth had been spotless and who was held in high regard for her deep spirituality was expecting a baby — and it wasn't his! Joseph's first reaction, in addition to shock, was rage welling up from within. He wanted to know who was responsible for this atrocity. His thoughts were far off in the hill country of Judea where Mary had been these 3 months, and so all this talk about the angels and Holy Spirit was just not registering. He was no doubt thinking something like, "If I could only get my hands on him, I'd beat him to a pulp!"

But wait a minute! What's this she's saying about an angel? And now he realized that things were even worse than he first thought. As he recovered from the initial shock, he was not only angry but was getting scared as well. This was no longer the beloved Mary he once knew. Why she'd gone out of her mind! How could she expect him to believe such a "cock and bull" story like that? She was just adding insult to injury! I can imagine that Joseph began to think that this all must have been such a shock to Mary that it had affected her mentally. How could she say such a blasphemous thing? — that this child she's carrying was God's child! The angel told her, she said, and so she surrendered herself to God's Spirit as his handmaiden.

We can also imagine that a third emotion began to well up within Joseph's heart in addition to rage and fear. He began to feel pity for poor Mary. Not only was she destroyed physically and maritally, but mentally as well. It's plain from the words Matthew records that Joseph didn't believe Mary's story. And could you expect him to? So, this practical-minded, young carpenter man asks a practical question. "Where do we go from here? What now?"

Verse 19 says that Joseph was a just and righteous man who always did what was right. He knew what God's commandments and moral standards were, and he was firmly resolved to carry them out. But he had compassion for Mary and didn't want her to get hurt anymore, and so he decided to break the engagement as quietly as possible. A combination of firmness and compassion — of strength and tenderness came out in Joseph. Joseph knew the Jewish Law, but he was also concerned for poor, demented Mary, and he didn't want to hurt her through a public disgrace and perhaps even execution through stoning, which, after all, is what the Law said should be done to adulterers!

I bet, though, it took Joseph a while to reach this decision, as that inner voice no doubt spoke up and said, "Now wait a minute here! What are people going to think? You'd better make sure they know you didn't have anything to do with this. Make sure they know it was all her fault. After all, you want to come out of this with your reputation intact." And thus, a great inner battle must have raged inside Joseph. What a night that must have been! He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. And we can imagine that Mary must have been on her knees all night praying to God to help Joseph understand and believe her story. But as Joseph mulled over his situation, he finally decided that the least damaging course of action he could take was to divorce her privately before the minimum two witnesses and send her away for her own protection — perhaps back to Judea where she had been with Elizabeth.

Have you ever had one of those troubled nights when you finally drop off into sleep just about the time you were supposed to get up the next morning? Well, I can just imagine Joseph finally falling asleep just before dawn after a sleepless night. Now it's God's turn to speak. Perhaps the reason God spoke to Joseph in a dream was that he couldn't get through all the bitter and angry thoughts Joseph was having while he was awake. "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

Well, that shatters his doubts, and the man who deeply doubted now deeply believes. In fact, few people in biblical history have held to such strong faith under such difficult circumstances. But Joseph's struggle to believe was never really finished. After all, a dream is a rather fragile basis for withstanding years of inescapable struggle and doubt. Joseph's problem was fundamentally different from anything Mary faced. Mary knew the facts — that Jesus was from God and had transcended the normal reproductive process of the human race. She knew that as fact, but Joseph? He could only accept it on faith, based on the evidence he’d been given.

At any rate, Mary and Joseph completed the process of formal marriage sometime after that. It doesn't say so in the text, but the implication is that they had to bypass the normal banquet sequence where Mary would have been brought to Joseph's house in a big parade and their marriage celebrated with a feast. They apparently did things as discretely as possible, but in a small town like Nazareth, where everybody knows everybody else's business, I would imagine there was soon a lot of gossip going around. In fact, this was apparent from the fact that even more than 30 years later, Jesus' opponents brought up that old "skeleton in the closet" as is recorded in John 8:41. When a group of Jesus' opponents got into an argument with him about being the sons of Abraham, one of them made a nasty remark that from the context can be taken to mean something like the following: "We weren't born an illegitimate child like you were. We weren't born of fornication." So, you can bet that the town gossip was hard on both of them. Mary knew the truth as her own personal experience, but Joseph? He had to go on faith. All he had was that dream, the assurance of Mary, and then, the assurance he received from the Scriptures that indeed, "A virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means, 'God is with us.'"

After the birth of Christ, we don't get many more glimpses of Joseph — just two, in fact. A short time later, he has another dream in which God tells him to take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt to protect Jesus from the wicked King Herod. And then several years later, when they take the 12-year-old Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem during the Passover celebrations, Joseph makes his last appearance. After that, he's not mentioned again in the Scriptures. He was obviously dead before Jesus' public ministry began, or he certainly would have been mentioned. The tradition is that Joseph died while Jesus was still a teenager leaving Mary a widow with several younger children. Perhaps this was one reason Jesus worked as a carpenter until he was in his 30s — namely, to support his family.

There is a message in this story that God has for each of us. In our modern-day Christmas celebration, there are a lot of messages to the effect that Christmas is an unreal, sentimental sort of thing that is for kids or at least the kid still in each of us. And, of course, the Santa Claus part of Christmas is just that. But that idea then sort of gets transferred over to the whole thing. One fortunately not very popular Christmas song of a few years ago even started off with the words, "Christmas is for kids" with the implication that Christmas is a lot of unrealistic fantasy that is okay for children or even overly sentimental adults, but that it is not for us rational, practical adults who live in the real world. The message from the life of Joseph, however, is that that is pure nonsense! Christmas is for the adult in us as well as the child. Of course, no other person has ever had to face the same situation that Joseph did, but all of us at one time or another have to face our own battles with doubt — some even perhaps almost as difficult as Joseph's. The message that comes through loud and clear from Joseph's life, as well as from the lives of other biblical characters who had similar battles with doubt, is that if we are willing to believe, God will always provide the kind of assurance we need to help us towards faith. If we are like the man who cried out, "Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!", God will do just that.

Yes, the Christmas story assures us that Christ is for all of us. Christmas and Christ are for the matter-of-fact Josephs of the world as well as the more mystical persons like Mary. Both have a place in God's world, and the Christmas story shows that God can be just as real to both kinds of people. So, what we might call "The Gospel according to the life of Joseph" speaks especially to all of us who are struggling for faith against opposition. The forgotten miracle of Christmas, Joseph, speaks to our doubts and reminds us that faith doesn't always come easy. For some, it seems to come rather easily, but for others, there is a great struggle involved. But as with Joseph, if there is a desire to believe — to really know the truth — then God is always faithful to provide the confirmation we need and to help us over the hurdles along the way to a living and powerful faith.

Christmas is a time when we pause to consider the greatest miracle of all time — that the creator God of the universe could come to our world in the form of a helpless baby and truly become one with us. But let's not forget that other great miracle of Christmas, Joseph's acceptance of the miracle of Jesus, the one that changed him from a confused doubter into a confirmed believer. Do you also struggle with doubts? If so, take a moment to reflect on how God worked in Joseph’s life to transform him from someone who deeply doubted into a man of deep faith.







































Who Was “In the Beginning?”


Merry Christmas!