Connecting One to One

Written by Ann Tang, Membership Coordinator, WTUC Steering Committee

Dear WTUC members,

Greetings from WTUC!

WTUC is so pleased that the 2024-25 calendar year has kicked off and is following into a routine. We are thankful for this church and for each other as we embark on this church year. A truly positive change to our church at the beginning of this year is that Rev. Jonathan not only has initiated his service to us as our pastor but has also been helping to improve our digital administration and communications. 

Like any organization, a church needs to manage its operations other than managing the worship services. For example, we need people to lead, to coordinate outreach, to organize events and activities. Despite WTUC’s small capacity, it has been striving these past years. While we truly take pride in and appreciate our dedicated volunteers, a healthy organization would also need to think about its plans to ensure sustainability. This year, we want to put some emphasis on growing the number of members. Growing our capacity will make our church stronger because 1) we all serve God by sharing the Gospel to our neighbors and 2) it will  ensure that we are preparing next-generation leaders.

So today, I am taking a few minutes of your time to share with you how you can be a part of this membership drive. 

The theme of the overarching goal is “Connecting One to One”

Traditional celebrations

Thanksgiving and Easter celebrations are good opportunities for us to introduce new people to our church and community. We currently have an average of about 20 members attending church regularly. If we each can bring one new member to church this year, we will double our size by the end of the year. Do you think you can bring one new member to attend church regularly this year? Please take one invitation card (available below, click to enlarge for printing!) and invite someone to our Thanksgiving worship service/potluck on Nov 17. Also, please continue to mentor and invite these individuals back to our church. 

Youth events

We have some exciting youth activities planned for this church year. If you have a a child or know someone who has one, please invite them to these activities.

  • Dec 15th, 2024: Christmas Caroling at Nozomi No Ie

  • Dec 2024: Christmas pageant - puppeteering ministry

  • Spring 2025: Service trip to ARI (TBD)

  • Summer 2025: Youth summer camp (outside of Tokyo)


For new members, we plan to have fellowship time to get to know them better. Two gatherings will be planned at homes of WTUC members or nearby public spaces. Please stay tuned for the announcement of these gatherings. 

If you are interested in helping with any of these activities, please let me know. Thank you for your support and commitment to WTUC. May God bless and multiply the work you do!


A Moment of Thanks


Opportunities to Serve