Calendar Check!
Dear WTUC Family,
I hope that you have had a good week! I have a few updates to share with you, and you may want to get your calendars out because we’ve got a lot going on in the life of our church, and I don’t want you to miss anything!
This Sunday, we’re going to be gathering online by Zoom for worship. Rev. Dr. Tim Boyle is going to continue his series on “The Gospel According to the Life of…”, this time on Mary, the mother of Jesus. It’s appropriate as we are preparing for the upcoming Advent season in just a couple of months. You can check out the bulletin, hymns, and the sermon manuscript on our Calendar page!
Skipping ahead a few weeks, on Sunday, November 3, we are going to have a joint bilingual worship service with Mitaka Lutheran Church. This service will be held at the chapel of Japan Lutheran College and Theological Seminary. We will be observing the Lord’s Supper during this time. Please note that the start time of the service will be at 10:30 a.m., which is a half-hour earlier than we usually gather. Please prepare accordingly!
Then on Sunday, November 17, we will be having our annual Thanksgiving Celebration with a potluck fellowship hour following the service. It’s still a month away, but we need to make plans now in terms of what we will be preparing and especially who we want to invite! We’re asking those who are interested in being a member of our congregation to also sign up that day. For more information and to participate in the fellowship preparation, please contact Ann Tang, who can be reached at
On Sunday, December 8, we are looking to have our annual Christmas pageant at WTUC during our worship service! We especially would love the children and youth to participate in this, but we need to know who will be there! Please contact Ruth Ingulsrud at to express your interest, and we look forward to this fun gathering.
In addition, we are preparing for our online Christmas Eve Candlelight Lessons and Carols service, and we need a few Scripture readers! If you would like to read a Scripture passage and are willing to be recorded, please let me know at, and I will schedule a time for you to record a specific passage. This will be a good opportunity for us to have a joyful Christmas celebration virtually as we observe and remember the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
That was a lot, but I hope that this excites you as we see more happening in the life of West Tokyo Union Church! In the midst of all of this, please keep our church in your prayers. We want to always look to the Lord to ground us in the love of Christ as we seek to grow in fellowship.
Have a blessed weekend, and take care!