In the Name of Jesus

Delivered by Rev. Dr. Jim Sack on Sunday, September 29, 2024.



Mark 9:38-41 (NRSV):

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” But Jesus said, “Do not stop him; for no one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us. For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward.

James 5:13-20 (NRSV):

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest. My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and is brought back by another, you should know that whoever brings back a sinner from wandering will save the sinner’s soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

Sermon Text:

I think most of us are more comfortable with the text in James, than we are with what we read in the Gospel lesson. The James text feels so familiar and it aligns with the way we think of our church and the Christian community as a whole. First, it talks about singing songs of praise and prayer. It also talks about people who are leaders within the church, called the elders. It relates how these elders should go to the sick and pray over them and anoint them with oil “in the name of the Lord.” It also talks about the prayer of faith, which is of course related to Jesus. This section in James also talks about the confession of sins and then the forgiveness of those sins that we have committed. Through all of this, healing takes place.

In my own ordained ministry, I have often visited those who have been hospitalized. I will read this text from James, and ask if they would like to be anointed. In my 42 years of ministry as a pastor, I have never been refused by any sick or suffering person, to anoint them with oil when I visited them, whether they were Christian or not.

I usually carry this small container in which I put olive oil to anoint them, if they would like that. All of these things that take place in the James section, feel normal and very Christian in nature, do they not?

However, when we jump into the Gospel lesson, suddenly we might feel some kind of hesitation, like John did. Here we have a man who has nothing to do with the followers of Jesus. He is not our kind of people, and he is going around and casting out demons from others. John relates how they tried to stop this man from using the name of Jesus to do that. Doesn’t that kind of sound like a good thing the disciples were doing? However, Jesus saw no problem at all in this form of healing that is taking place by this outsider.

Today’s Gospel text is part of a collection of sayings which continues the correction of the disciple`s misunderstanding of Jesus` Messiahship. Throughout chapters 8–10 of Mark, Jesus struggles to turn the disciples’ thoughts from human thoughts to God’s thoughts. This provided a much-needed guidance for the people in the early church. In the lesson Jesus addresses the issues of the need for Jesus to suffer and be killed, the disciple`s arrogance, their failure to understand and their intolerance. I think all of these are issues that the early church had to deal with, and issues that I believe are very much pertinent to us living today.

At this time, Jesus is moving south toward Jerusalem and is passing through Galilee where he announces his passion and resurrection for the second time. However, like before, the disciples misunderstand Jesus’ messiahship.

That is a major misunderstanding of the disciples, and this is compounded by the disciple`s argument about who is the greatest. (9:33-34) Jesus’ various corrections emphasize the importance of graciousness, the service to others, and the acceptance of people regardless of social status.

I am convinced that it is impossible for anyone to know the entire truth. We all hold part of the truth, but none of us is capable of knowing all the truth.

Our text today encourages a broad-minded attitude toward those who provide relief but operate outside of the disciples’ circle: “Whoever is not against us is for us”

I think this is the same point Jesus was making to his disciples through the man who was casting out demons in His name. The disciples forbade him because he was not one of Jesus` disciples or followers, i.e. not a holder of the truth. But like the periodical I just showed you, the disciples were only seeing one side of the issue. Jesus says "Do not forbid him; for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon after to speak evil of me." For Jesus, intolerance of those doing something good, even if they are outside our circle, is not a sign of confidence in the truth.

The disciples received a remarkable response from Jesus concerning this man. To put it into other terms, any power done against the power of evil in Jesus` name is the work of God and therefore that individual is indeed on the side of Jesus. This is reinforced by what we read in 1 Cor. 12:3 “Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says ‘Let Jesus be cursed!’ and no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.”

I believe Jesus is challenging his disciples (and us) to take a wider view of our faith in Jesus, instead of a narrow one. The followers of Jesus are not to become a little clique or faction! No, God works in many ways, some of which we may not understand.

Often, Jesus recognized the work and blessings of God outside the confines of those who actively followed him. For example, the centurion in Mt. 8.

Matt. 8:5 When he entered Capernaum, a centurion (part of the Roman army and therefore and outsider) came to him, appealing to him and saying, "Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, in terrible distress." And he said to him, "I will come and cure him." The centurion answered, "Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant will be healed. When Jesus heard him, he was amazed and said to those who followed him, "Truly I tell you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith." (From the chosen ones)

Or Mark 7:26 Now the woman was a Gentile, of Syrophoenician (another outsider) origin. She begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter. He said to her, "Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children`s food and throw it to the dogs." But she answered him, "Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children`s crumbs. "Then he said to her, "For saying that, you may go; the demon has left your daughter."

These words are a rebuke to all of us and our blind exclusiveness, over arrogant assumptions that God`s actions in the world are limited to the forms with which we are familiar. Once again, this is a warning against Christian arrogance that is applicable today.

Those who appear to be doing good are to be given the benefit of the doubt. I remind you in the case of the man casting out the demon, he was doing it "in the name of Jesus the Christ." This is the same as when we read Mark 9:37 "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me."

In Biblical thought a name is not a mere label of identification; it is an expression of the essential nature of its bearer. A name is regarded as possessing an inherent power which exercises a constraint upon its bearer; he or she must conform to his/ her essential nature as expressed in that name.

Therefore, to speak or act in someone`s name, is to act as a representative of that person and hence to participate in their authority. As is true in out text for today, the name of Jesus is a synonymous term for Jesus himself. It is a participation in the authority of Jesus or acting on his behalf. That is probably why Jesus was willing to allow the unknown exorcist cast out demons in his name.

By knowing the name of a more powerful spirit and commanding the evil demon in that name to come out, the demon was powerless not to come out. Things done in the name of Jesus are things done in the most powerful name in all the earth. This was Jesus` ministry by extension, if you might.

Jesus said, "Do not stop him; for no one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us."

Right before the Gospel lesson for today, the disciples had just come away from arguing who was the greatest among themselves. But that is obviously not of interest to Jesus. It is as Paul says so well in 2 Cor 12:10 "whenever I am weak, then I am strong." That is the time when we come together to work together. As with the unknown man casting out demons, he may be different than the disciples, but he too is working together against the forces of evil. He is not depending only on himself, but in the name of the Messiah, Jesus.

When we worked in Saga, the Baptist church had two of their members commit themselves to participate in our home meetings for a whole year. They attended faithfully. We are weak in Japan as Christians because there are so few of us. However, at the same time, this makes us strong because we need to depend upon one another, and upon God.

Why do we stay in the church? Here we have a collection of various kinds of people, especially at an ecumenical place like WTUC. Some of the people in the church are forgetful, crazy and wild, and others are becoming older and less agile. Yet, we stay in the church to help others with their shortcomings and blind spots. I believe the community of faith should be an inclusive place, filled with all sorts of people, who may have a different understanding of what worship is, or of what it means to follow Jesus, or how to witness to our faith, but it is also filled with those who walk in forgiveness and grace, and include others rather than exclude them.

We are very much a mixed-up group of believers in this room. We are easily able to have various theological discussions about all kinds of religious issues, like infant baptism or adult, submerge or sprinkle, wine or grape juice at communion, actively witnessing to others or quietly living out our faith. But more than these differences, God is concerned about our similarities and our willingness to work together to make the Kingdom of God a reality here on earth, right now.

Paul calls us to that attitude of tolerance as well. In 1Cor. 12:4-6 “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.”

The question arises again and again in the church about all kinds of experiences and ministries. We want to know if certain individuals or groups really possess the spirit and belongs to the church of Jesus. Are they really doing it the way Jesus would. (Like I do?) We must be open to acknowledging that God can and does work outside of the church at times. God can and does work through unbelievers to bring about the Kingdom of God.

Jesus wants to set us free to do His work here and now. We are called to live a life under and for the name of Jesus. It is in the name of Jesus that we are called to follow. We are challenged to find the truth in ways other than the familiar roads we usually travel. We are challenged to find Christ in those individuals whom we don`t expect to encounter God.

Only when a disciple follows Jesus can he travel this road. Such discipline is not possible unless Jesus has set a person free, and only in this kind of discipleship is a person able to truly understand Jesus and his call to us.

I think I shared this story with you a little more than a year ago, but I think it bears repeating again.

It has been said that John Wesley once had a dream in which he appeared at the gate of hell. He cried out "Are there any Presbyterians in there?" "Yes, "came the answer, "a great many." "Any Church of England members?" "Yes, lots of them." "Any Baptists?" "A large number." "And, are there any Wesleyans?" Again, the answer came, "Yes, many of them."

Disappointed, especially at that last reply, Wesley next dreamed he was standing at the gate of heaven. He repeated the same questions. Each time he received the same troubling answer: "No, not one!" No Baptists, no Church of England members, no Presbyterians, and also no Wesleyans!"

"Who then is in heaven?" Wesley exclaimed. "We know nothing her about the names you mentioned." came the reply. "The only name that matters here is CHRISTIAN. We are all Christians here."

Tolerance for those different than ourselves. Yes, there is the possibility that we accept that which is not of Christ. That is a real danger. But, I am convinced that we are more in danger of shutting out that which is of Christ, more than accepting that which is not. Tolerance is the reverence for all the possibility of truth, even that which extends beyond what I personally know.

My prayer for all of us is that we may not look for labels, but rather actions, attitudes and individual spirits that reflect the love and forgiveness of Christ. May we all be free from anything that might hinder fellowship with one another or our fellowship with God.















マタイ8:5 ーさて、イエスがカファルナウムに入られると、一人の百人隊長が近づいて来て懇願し、 「主よ、わたしの僕が中風で家に寝込んで、ひどく苦しんでいます」と言った。 そこでイエスは、「わたしが行って、いやしてあげよう」と言われた。 すると、百人隊長は答えた。「主よ、わたしはあなたを自分の屋根の下にお迎えできるような者ではありません。ただ、ひと言おっしゃってください。そうすれば、わたしの僕はいやされます。 わたしも権威の下にある者ですが、わたしの下には兵隊がおり、一人に『行け』と言えば行きますし、他の一人に『来い』と言えば来ます。また、部下に『これをしろ』と言えば、そのとおりにします。」 イエスはこれを聞いて感心し、従っていた人々に言われた。「はっきり言っておく。イスラエルの中でさえ、わたしはこれほどの信仰を見たことがない。(選ばれた者たちの中から)

また、マルコ7:26 ー「女はギリシア人でシリア・フェニキアの生まれであったが、娘から悪霊を追い出してくださいと頼んだ。 イエスは言われた。「まず、子供たちに十分食べさせなければならない。子供たちのパンを取って、小犬にやってはいけない。」 ところが、女は答えて言った。「主よ、しかし、食卓の下の小犬も、子供のパン屑はいただきます。」 そこで、イエスは言われた。「それほど言うなら、よろしい。家に帰りなさい。悪霊はあなたの娘からもう出てしまった。」























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