Wisdom, Humility, and Strength

Delivered by Rev. Jonathan Oh on Sunday, September 22, 2024.



Proverbs 31:10–31 (NRSV)

Ode to a Woman of Strength

10 A woman of strength who can find?

She is far more precious than jewels.

11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,

and he will have no lack of gain.

12 She does him good and not harm

all the days of her life.

13 She seeks wool and flax

and works with willing hands.

14 She is like the ships of the merchant;

she brings her food from far away.

15 She rises while it is still night

and provides food for her household

and tasks for her female servants.

16 She considers a field and buys it;

with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.

17 She girds herself with strength

and makes her arms strong.

18 She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.

Her lamp does not go out at night.

19 She puts her hands to the distaff,

and her hands hold the spindle.

20 She opens her hand to the poor

and reaches out her hands to the needy.

21 She is not afraid for her household when it snows,

for all her household are clothed in crimson.

22 She makes herself coverings;

her clothing is fine linen and purple.

23 Her husband is known in the city gates,

taking his seat among the elders of the land.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them;

she supplies the merchant with sashes.

25 Strength and dignity are her clothing,

and she laughs at the time to come.

26 She opens her mouth with wisdom,

and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

27 She looks well to the ways of her household

and does not eat the bread of idleness.

28 Her children rise up and call her happy;

her husband, too, and he praises her:

29 “Many women have done excellently,

but you surpass them all.”

30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,

but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

31 Give her a share in the fruit of her hands,

and let her works praise her in the city gates.

James 3:13–4:3, 4:7–8a (NRSVUE)

Two Kinds of Wisdom

13 Who is wise and knowledgeable among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not be arrogant and lie about the truth. 15 This is not wisdom that comes down from above but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. 16 For where there is envy and selfish ambition, there will also be disorder and wickedness of every kind. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

Friendship with the World

4 Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you? 2 You want something and do not have it, so you commit murder. And you covet something and cannot obtain it, so you engage in disputes and conflicts. You do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive because you ask wrongly, in order to spend what you get on your pleasures.

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Sermon Text:

Admission: So I have to admit that when I looked over the passages from the lectionary for today, I saw Proverbs 31 and went, “Oh. How am I supposed to preach on this passage - one that is known by many to have listed impossible ideals for a wife - a passage that is misused by many to discourage and oppress women?” At first, I really didn’t want to preach on this passage. It just felt a little chauvinistic to tackle this section of Proverbs, but when I told my wife about my dilemma, she pointed out how important this passage is and how it isn’t talked about or preached on nearly enough, and the passage isn’t what it might seem on the surface. And so I embarked on a little journey to learn more about this passage.

Passage Context: Proverbs 31 is interesting because it is slightly different from the rest of the book. While the rest of Proverbs is about a father instructing his son in the ways of wisdom, this passage is about a mother who is instructing her son named King Lemuel. Instead of a viewpoint from a father and a man, it is written from the viewpoint of a mother and a woman. We don’t know who King Lemuel is or where he ruled (he likely isn’t a Jewish king based on history), but we see that it was included in the book of Proverbs for us to read and study. The first part of Proverbs 31 that we didn’t read out loud is a warning to the king. Lemuel’s mother warns him about the vices of going after women and alcohol and instead instructs him to “Speak out; judge righteously; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (v. 9)

Initial Reaction: We then see this well-known part of Proverbs 31, about the woman of strength (or of noble character), sometimes (incorrectly referred to) as the “ideal wife”. On the surface, it seems like this passage might be describing the type of wife that the king should be seeking, someone who is both strong and supportive, someone who manages the household well and gets up before the crack of dawn in order to make sure that all is in order. She knows how to make clothes and make a profit, do business deals in buying land, generous and philanthropic while also speaking and teaching the children in kindness and wisdom. If we misread this passage, it’s going to leave the men looking for the non-existent perfect woman (for the definitely imperfect man whose standards will be impossibly high) and leave the women absolutely discouraged because nobody can possibly do all these things. And you would be correct. We have to take a look at more than what we see on the surface in this passage to help us see the fuller picture of what is actually Good News for us today.

Illustration: After each of our daughters were born, our family received a quilt from a beloved member at Tokyo Union Church, and each one is made from all sorts of interesting patches. Mikayla’s quilt has the entire English alphabet, alternating with patches that have different patterns. We’ve had it for a few months now, but I only just noticed the other day that the letters were next to patches that started with the same letter they were next to. For example, A is next to a patch of animals, B is next to a patch of bicycles, and C is next to the patch of cats. The woman who made this quilt designed the quilt with that intention, even though it wasn’t so obvious to us at first. As I think about this, I realized how similar this quilt seems to be with our poem for today. Just as we can appreciate each of the parts of the quilt, we can also appreciate the whole quilt for what it is. There is beauty both from the one who designed the quilt and for those who discover more about the thought behind the design as well. We should look at today’s passage in the same way - both for its individual parts and the passage as a whole.

Interesting Facts: There are a couple of interesting facts about Proverbs 31:10-31 that you probably won’t notice unless you happen to know Biblical Hebrew. First, the passage is an acrostic. Each verse starts with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and it goes in order… aleph, bet, gimel, dalet, and so on and so forth. This unique setup shows the idea of completeness, a whole set, something that gives us what would be a visual picture of interconnectedness. This is impressive in and of itself. However, the next thing is that the passage is a chiasmus. A chiasmus is a pattern where you see a set of thoughts that are written in a certain order, and then you see those thoughts presented in the reverse order in the second half of the poem. Therefore, you end up seeing the first concept presented again at the end of the passage, and the second concept presented next and again next to the end of the passage, and so on and so forth. In our first reading today, there is a central meeting point, bridging the two ends of the passage together. This also requires impressive skill, but having both an alphabet acrostic and a chiasmus is what one commentary calls “astounding”. This passage is to be read as a poem, one that shows not only a unity among the full spectrum of the Hebrew letters but also a dynamic pairing that helps us to see an integrated wholeness. The writer of this Proverb wanted us to not take this as a simple instructional set of thoughts on the “woman of strength” or of “noble character” but rather as a blended and harmonious weaving of various concepts that are brought together as one.

Keep in Mind: We must remember how we consider the book of Proverbs in general. We see much advice based on observations. Unlike a list of commandments and requirements, we see a lot of guiding words and principles. Proverbs are words of wisdom, and it’s good for us to learn and follow them. It is good to strive for these ideals, but most of these are not commandments where we might be sinning if we fail to follow them. Our desire to practice them should be to help us live in wisdom.

Observations: Now, what are some of the observations about the various qualities of this woman of strength and noble character that are shared in Proverbs 31? We’re not going to work through verse by verse to talk about the individual parts (because there’s a lot), but I would like to talk about some of the main things that we do see in the passage.

  • She is of noble character. Depending on your translation, you might see translations like “a woman of strength” or “a woman of noble character”. The NRSVUE says that “she is far more precious than jewels”. What we see unfolding in today’s passage shows a woman who is more than just about beauty and charm (as we see toward the end of the passage) and more about who she is - someone who is not easily found.

  • She is trustworthy. This is demonstrated in the relationship that she has with her husband. He doesn’t demand of her what she needs to do, nor does he control everything that she has to do. Even in this period where women were culturally expected to be “submissive to the head of their households”, there was a deep and abiding trust. They are as one person pointed out that the late Rev. Tim Keller would say - are “managing partners” in this relationship. She seeks to do good and to do what is helpful, and the husband trusts her in this.

  • She is prudent and wise. This is demonstrated by the way she works. She manages the house in a way that keeps things moving well, keeping people well-fed in the house and directs what needs to be done. She plans ahead and is not worried about the future. She even has business savvy and knows not only how to deal in real estate but also how to sell goods. A woman is not some “weak” person who needs a man to do something. A woman of “strength” and “noble character” is wise and able to get things done.

  • She is strong and a hard worker. She works and makes things work. Verse 25 says that “strength and dignity are her clothing”. This doesn’t mean that a woman is measured by her productivity and value to society, but she does what is in her ability to get things done.

  • She is generous. She is able to support people who are in need and extends her hand in order to help others. This comes from a heart of care, compassion, and kindness. Out of her abundance (not necessarily financially but of her heart) overflows the love that has been given to her, and she gives willingly.

  • She is worthy. We see in today’s passage the impacts that come from who she is. Because of her work, her husband is known. That is interesting because verse 23 is in the center of the conceptual chiasmus. From verses 10 to 22, we read much about the woman, then from verses 24 to 31, we see the reverse pattern about the woman, but verse 23 sticks out because it is about the husband. However, even here, we see that it is because of her, he is known, not “behind this great man is a great woman”. Because of who she is, a woman of strength and noble character, her husband is empowered. Not only that, her children and husband praise her because of her excellence.

  • Most importantly, she fears the Lord. We read in Proverbs 1 that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, and that is clearly visible in today’s passage as well. For a woman to have noble character, she must fear the Lord, and this is the key to all that we read here.

The Gospel Connection: When we look at these observations, we are all going, “There ain’t no way that I can do all that. Wake up at the crack of dawn? That’s for the birds. And what about all these things that this perfect woman is able to do?” That is true. Nobody, no woman, no man, no one can do all of these things. Only one person has been able to demonstrate wisdom, humility, and strength in perfection, and that is Jesus Christ. The Good News is that today’s passage shows the key in how this woman is one of strength and noble character, and that is the fear of the Lord. We read that this woman fears the Lord, and out of that, she brings good to herself, to her family, and to her community. We must be careful not to think that doing all these things is to earn salvation. She doesn’t do this to earn anything. However, these observations and words of wisdom are good things to be practiced. They are fruits from fearing the Lord. However, this doesn’t mean that this woman of strength and noble character doesn’t face insecurity and struggles. It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t deal with sadness and heartbreak. It doesn’t mean that she just needs to put on a good face when her world seems to be crashing down around her. It means that in the midst of the realities of life, she is centered and grounded in the Lord, for only He can provide what she needs for wisdom and strength.

Redemption: Another way we can look at this passage is who we are when we are saved by Christ. We are redeemed for a greater purpose, and as the Church, the body of Christ, we are called to be the bride of Christ - for that is what she is to be in the end when Christ comes again. It is the Church as the whole, who by observing and learning from these instructions of wisdom, we can also grow in harmony with each other and learn to live in a way that honors and reflects Christ.

  • A church sanctified is one of noble character. When the church grows to honor Christ, it is one who displays noble character.

  • A church impacts her neighbors. She is empowered to carry out love, grace, and mercy to the world because the church is entrusted to do this, and the church depends on Christ to carry this out. When the church is empowered, she does what pleases the Lord by loving and caring for her neighbors.

  • A church that is in the world shows excellence in work. The church does not only gather on Sundays but is out in the world throughout the week. Through hard and excellent work, we honor Christ and bring Him glory.

  • A church is generous. When the church is enriched with what God has entrusted her, she is able to give and support those in the community and the neighbors around her.

  • A church honors and glorifies God. In the end, the church reflects the glory of God. The body of Christ, unified together in love and harmony, points to God, and the world sees this and praises God in Heaven.

So this is something that we can consider as we look at today’s passage as well. As much as we as the church should empower and lift up the sisters in our congregation, we should also see that we as a whole fit into the same picture as the church, the bride of Christ. We are to also live with noble character, to fear the Lord and to walk in God’s ways.

Conclusion: As we conclude our message today, I want to spend a moment to speak to our sisters in Christ. I don’t know how you may have encountered this passage in the past. Some of you might have in the past felt attacked or at least pushed aside by how this passage was interpreted in a way that was harmful. Some of you may have felt vulnerable and unworthy of love because you supposedly weren’t a “Proverbs 31” woman. To have been expected to live that way was wrong. Today, I hope that this message encourages you to live in freedom from that pressure and those feelings. This is regardless of whether you are married or not, or whether you have children or not. By fearing the Lord, you can be a woman of wisdom, humility, and strength. I now speak to all of us, both brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us remember that we as the Church are the bride of Christ. Let us rest in the grace of Christ and serve God and our neighbors in excellence. Through our love to those around us, may we bring honor and glory to Christ so that He is exalted and that many others will come to know Him. Amen.









  • 彼女は高潔な性格を持っている:翻訳によっては「力ある女性」や「高潔な性格の女性」と訳されることもあります。NRSVUE(英語の聖書)では「彼女は宝石よりも遥かに貴い」と書かれています。今日の箇所に展開されているのは、単なる美しさや魅力だけでなく(箇所の終わりの方で見られるように)、彼女自身に焦点を当てたものです——簡単に見つかるような女性ではないのです。

  • 彼女は信頼されている:これは彼女と夫との関係に示されています。夫は彼女に何をすべきかを要求したり、彼女の行動をすべて管理したりしません。この時代、女性が「家庭の主に従順である」ことが文化的に期待されていたにもかかわらず、深い信頼関係がありました。ある人が指摘したように、故ティム・ケラー牧師が言っていたことですが、この関係は「共同管理者」のようなものです。彼女は善を行い、役立つことをしようとし、夫は彼女を信頼しているのです。

  • 彼女は慎重で知恵がある:これは彼女の働き方に示されています。彼女は家をうまく運営し、家の中の人々がしっかりと食べ物を得られるようにし、必要なことが進行するように指揮します。彼女は先を見据えて計画を立て、未来について心配しません。彼女はビジネスにおいても才能があり、不動産の取引をするだけでなく、商品を売る方法も知っています。女性は何かをするために男性を必要とする「弱い」存在ではありません。「力ある」そして「高潔な性格の女性」は、知恵があり、物事を成し遂げる力を持っているのです。

  • 彼女は強く、勤勉である。彼女は働き、物事を成し遂げます。25節には「力と威厳を彼女はまとっている」と書かれています。これは、女性が社会への生産性や価値で評価されるという意味ではありませんが、彼女は自分の能力でできることを行います。

  • 彼女は寛大である。彼女は困っている人々を支えることができ、他者を助けるために手を差し伸べます。これは、思いやりと慈悲、優しさの心から来るものです。彼女の豊かさ(必ずしも経済的ではなく、心の豊かさ)から、彼女に与えられた愛が溢れ出し、彼女は喜んで与えます。

  • 彼女は価値がある。今日の箇所で、彼女が誰であるかによる影響が見られます。彼女の働きのおかげで、夫は知られています。これは興味深いことです。なぜなら、23節は概念的なキアズムスの中心にあるからです。10節から22節では彼女について多くが語られ、24節から31節では逆のパターンで彼女について描かれていますが、23節は夫に関するもので目立っています。しかし、ここでも彼が知られているのは彼女のおかげであり、「偉大な男の背後には偉大な女がいる」という意味ではありません。彼女が「力ある女性」や「高潔な性格の女性」であるがゆえに、夫も力を得るのです。それだけでなく、彼女の子どもたちや夫は彼女の優れた点を称賛します。

  • 最も重要なことは、彼女が主を畏れていることです。箴言1章には、「主を畏れることは知識のはじめ」と書かれており、今日の箇所にもそれが明らかに見えます。女性が高潔な性格を持つためには、主を畏れなければなりません。これが、ここで読んでいるすべての鍵です。



  • 聖別された教会は高潔な性格を持つ:教会がキリストを称えるまでに成長するとき、それは高潔な性格を示すものです。

  • 教会は隣人に影響を与える:教会は、愛、恵み、慈悲を世に伝える力を与えられています。教会はそれを実行するために委ねられており、キリストに依存してそれを実行します。教会が力を得たとき、隣人を愛し、世話をすることで、主が喜ばれることを行います。

  • 世にいる教会は優れた働きを示す:教会は日曜日に集まるだけでなく、週を通して世に出ていきます。勤勉で優れた働きを通じて、キリストを称え、栄光をもたらします。

  • 教会は寛大である:神様が教会に委ねられたもので教会が豊かにされたとき、教会はコミュニティや周囲の隣人を支え、与えることができます。

  • 教会は神様を称え、栄光を帰す:最終的に、教会は神様の栄光を反映します。キリストの体は愛と調和の中で一体となり、神様を指し示します。それを見て、世は天にいる神様を称えるのです。

  • これもまた、今日の箇所を考える際に私たちが意識すべきことです。私たちが教会として、会衆の中の姉妹たちを力づけ、支えるべきであるのと同時に、教会全体として私たちもまたキリストの花嫁としてその一部であることを認識する必要があります。私たちも高潔な性格を持ち、主を畏れ、神様の道を歩むべきです。




In the Name of Jesus


A Spiritual “Big Cleaning”