Sunday, March 24th – Palm Sunday

This Sunday:  Palm Sunday starts as a joyous celebration, but moves into a difficult week.  This Sunday’s service will follow that same pattern.  If the weather is good, we will start the Palm procession from the courtyard.  The service will conclude in quiet meditation, Pastor Susan Preaching


Friday March 29, 7:00:  Good Friday Observation, Pastor Teresa leading

Sunday March 31:  Easter

10:30 Easter Egg Hunt  All are Welcome!

11:00 Worship

12:15 Festive Fellowship—Please bring goodies to share


Upcoming Sundays:

NEXT classes:  April 7th :

Grades 1-4 Sunday School:

Topic: Easter Story (Galatians 5:25)

Teacher: Malcolm

Adult Education (at in Upper room)

Topic: Communion, Teresa teaching

Confirmation:  What do I believe?  Writing a Creed, Susan teaching

Lenten Prayer: 

O God, we thank you for Jesus who trod the path of death to meet eternal life, who passed through the darkness of the crucifixion to live in the light of the resurrection, and who taught us to choose the hard road of self-examination and repentance that leads to true knowledge of ourselves and forgiveness.  Grant us this day and all the days of Lent, the wisdom to see our need for repentance and the strength to renounce those things which we know to be evil, and the grace to seek your forgiveness for the evil we do unwittingly.  By the path that leads through trial, grant us the gift of your Holy Spirit, which is eternal life.  Amen.