Sunday, September 1st

West Tokyo Union Church (WTUC)                                                                               Welcomes you all to join us!                                                                                                     Services begin at 11:00.                                                                                                               Place:  Lutheran Seminary, Mitaka                                                                                             Pastor:  The Rev. Teresa Thompson Sherrill

Welcome back to worship at WEST TOKYO UNION CHURCH!  After an active summer away, it will be wonderful to gather for praise and fellowship.  Pastor Teresa will bring the message from Psalm 112 encouraging us to know and follow God`s light.

(we appreciate your prayers and involvement in this ministry)

Little Kids Sunday School (ages 1-5) begins Sunday 9/8 during the service.
Topic: God is our Creator
Teacher:  Allie
next meeting September 15th during church

Grades 1-5 Sunday School begins Sunday 9/8 at 9:30am
Topic:  Intro to Parables
Teacher:  Steve
next meeting September 22nd, 9:30am

Adult Sunday School begins Sunday 9/8
9:30 in the Sacks home
Topic: Parable series facilitated by Pastor Teresa – Intro to Parables;
next meeting September 22nd at the Sacks, 9:30am

Sign up for snacks for fellowship time with Ann or on the list on the white board.  We greatly appreciate your contributions to our community life!

Next STEERING COMMITTEE meeting, September 8th after the Fellowship Time.  All relative reports to Karen please.

WTUC  Announcements
*Any questions or concerns?  Feel free to email anytime.
*Please enjoy and refer our website and FB page (West Tokyo Union Church) to others.  Please make any suggestions for additions to the Pastors and/or Steering Committee.
*If you’d like to be added to the WTUC church email list, please contact Gene Witt
*If interested in joining the WTUC Prayer Chain, let one of the Pastors or Prayer Chain Coordinator, Kayo Ozawa, know of your interest. Please submit prayers to or Kayo Ozawa.

* Psalm 112

We are singing your praises, LORD!

How good life is for those who respect you, LORD,
……..for those who gladly do what you want them to do.

Their children will follow in their footsteps,
……..doing what’s right and going from strength to strength.

You fill their homes with good things,
……..and guarantee their good reputation.

Their generosity, tolerance, and integrity shine forth in a dark world,
…… up the way for others to follow.

LORD, you see that things go well
……..for those who conduct their business fairly
……..and lend generously to those in need.

You guarantee a firm footing for people of integrity;
……..their reputation will long outlast them.

Bad news will not break them,
……..for they have an inner strength grounded in you, LORD.
With their trust in you, they are calm in a crisis;
……..fearless in the fight,
…………….and they always end up on top.

You will honour their strength
……..and make their integrity a lasting legacy,
…………….for they have been open-handed, especially to the poor.

All this throws corrupt people into a snarling rage.
……..Bitterness consumes them
…………….as their dreams crumble to nothing.

©2001 Nathan Nettleton